Masterclass 24 & 25 August 2024

Get excited, we're hitting the road and travelling East to the beautiful Riverland for Masterclass in 2024. Join us in Berri for an unforgettable weekend! Our Saturday program will focus on mammas & babies - plenty of announcements to come!

RDASA Submissions

RDASA is often invited to write submissions to address issues important to rural doctors. We have submitted written and oral evidence to Select Committees, giving a voice to rural doctors and advocating for your rural practice needs. 


RDASA celebrates the outstanding services, innovation and leadership shown within SA’s rural health sector. We are delighted to shine a light on the life and work of our awardee's and acknowledge the leadership of our Committee members.

Doctor well-being

Ensuring rural doctors are well supported and cared for while they care for others, is core to the service RDASA provides. RDASA Members can access support through Employer Assisted Program. Learn more about EAP and how it helps you.




Masterclass Announcements

Two Optional Friday full day workshops announced!

  • ACRRM Accredited
  • Emergency Grant Eligible

Pre-hospital Rural Emergencies Masterclass

  Friday 23 August
  The Pre-hospital Rural Emergencies  
  Masterclass provides doctors with the                   

necessary skills required to manage a
  patient in an emergency environment.
  It will provide participants the skills to  
  work in a resource poor environment, 

  often as the only attendee, to ensure  
  the safe retrieval of a patient.

Register now!


Neonatal & Paediatric Emergencies Workshop

  Friday 23 August
General Practitioners, Medical   
Officers, Nurses and Paramedics  
  working in Emergency Care settings   
are invited to attend this interactive   
full day workshop delivered through   
group sessions, skills station training   
and simulation training.


Register now!

Obstetrics and Women’s Health Coordinator

There is currently a search for a new Obstetrics and Women’s Health Coordinator academic role with the Adelaide Rural Clinical School to help coordinate the rural course in Human Reproductive Health. 

This is a one-day-a-week position, teaching women’s health and obstetrics to year 5 students. Please refer to the Adelaide University website for are further details including a position description.

This opportunity closes on Thursday, 1 August. 



 New payments Calculator  


  Do you know how much additional $$ you
  will receive this year based on your MMM,
  and the rural skills you use?

  RDAA has developed a calculator you can
  use to show you just how much you could

Give it a try .. now!

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Masterclass 2024

Lock it in your diary folks!
Let's hit the road and head to the Riverland on August 24 and 25 2024

Learn More