New RDAA President to push for expanded rural services

Media doorstop with Dr RT Lewandowski
10.30am AEDT, tomorrow (Tuesday 24 October)
Senate Courtyard, Parliament House, Canberra

The new President of the Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) will push for an expansion of key health services in rural and remote communities – including sustainable rural maternity services, new procedural services like endoscopies, and non-procedural services like mental healthcare and paediatric care – that can deliver significant ‘bang for the health buck’ when provided locally by Rural Generalist doctors who live and work in their rural community. Dr Raymond ‘RT’ Lewandowski is a Rural Generalist doctor working in the Far North Queensland communities of Innisfail and Cairns. He replaces Dr Megan Belot in the role, following the completion of her two years as President.
